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Windows 8.1 for the first time experienced a decline in market share

Windows 8.1 for the first time experienced a decline in market share Adlı Konuda 0 yorum

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Research firm Net Applications, for the period of July 2014 according to a report released Windows 8.1 suffered loss of market for the first time. 6.61'lik% in June to capture a utilization rate of the most recent Windows version, we come to July, also showed a decrease, and the tiny 6.56'y% declined. There was a similar decline in the Windows 8 front. Utilization rate of the previous month to 5.93% with Windows 8% in July fell to 5.92'y. The transition from Windows 8.1 to Windows 8 so this decline was expected to be available free of charge, since in recent months showed a steady decline in the use of Windows 8. However, the decline of Windows 8.1 was a development that surprised the public.
Windows 7 compared to the previous month utilization rate reached 51.22% by increasing the amount. XP is Microsoft's official support cuts have continued to decline in July. Despite the termination of official support for Windows XP still dominates a quarter of the ecosystem.
Windows desktop operating systems market growth by providing a bit more compared to June reached a market share of 91.68%. Mac OS, the utilization rate fell to 6.64% of 6.73't%. Said a slight decline in the Linux front. 1.68% market share of the operating system was announced as the last.

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