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Yahoo-Google Co-op!

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Yahoo and Google about e-mail security is a collaboration between the whispers.

Two former rivals Yahoo and Google, but the two company's engineers to exchange ideas on specific issues from time to time as they are known. Google some time ago, encrypted e-mail service launched a new initiative to give. Yahoo agreed to participate in this initiative and its e-mail service to make it safe, even if very openly entered into a partnership with Google.

Google initiated purpose of secure e-mail interference users read by email to prevent the third person. Intelligence agencies, especially the emergence of the interest in e-mail traffic, together with the worldwide Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, offered by companies such as communication services, a serious insecurity has occurred. Users quickly have sought safer options. The great discomfort of the situation, Google has launched initiatives secure e-mail.

Google will use this new initiative system in many ways to show similarities with PGP. According to this e-mail users will use to encrypt the keys of their computers, tablets and phones will be stored in such devices. No contribution in the encryption process will not be Google's only encrypted data transfer to undertake.

This system is theoretically one of the most difficult to break an encrypted e-mail to those who want to browse related primarily stored on the user's computer needs to access the key. In this case, a random snapshot of Internet traffic makes it impossible to look into the e-mail is pulled.

The greatest advantage of this system is to Google the company by any government or intelligence agencies as they are compressed, saying that back in the hands of encryption key to provide information that will be able to get rid of. Thus, in the eyes of consumers get a little bit lost confidence is expected to be recovered.

On the other hand, Google's advertising to be able to create user profiles for e-mail content to be browsing, advertising side of this system raises the question of how it will affect. Another problem, e-mail traffic could create completely encrypted weakness in the fight against crime. Google previously obtained from a variety of criminals e-mail the information to the police in the apprehension of wanted criminals helped by sharing.

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